Get advice from an expert on how to invest in new markets and put your money toward a worthwhile cause.
The unequal distribution of wealth and its relationship with gender inequality and cycles of poverty affect employment and education all over the world. The future of technology in jobs is uncertain. Many fear that advancements could worsen inequality by replacing manpower.
As the longest-serving equity research analyst in Hong Kong and an authority on the education industry in China, Mariana Kou’s expertise uniquely qualifies her to advise investors on correcting inequality in changing economic environments.
In Investing in Dragons, Kou explains:
the structure of education in China and its contribution to economic growth
the investment landscape for technology in education
the process of rethinking education for lifelong and diversified learning
Kou’s knowledge and firsthand experiences make Investing in Dragons the perfect guide for venture capitalists or anyone seeking ways to make the world more equal and solve systemic problems.
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